Monday, August 31, 2009

"Everybody has the same equal chance to change the world..."

Well my bestie Ruby called me this morning. I was so happy to hear from him, mainly because I wanted to know what his intentions were for moving so spur of the moment. He explained everything to me and I fully understand why he did what he did. All of my friends are leading somewhat different lives based on interest and social paths, and I realized that Savannah is not the place for Ruby to start doing what it is that he wants to do. Even tho I'm all for him doing his thing, I couldn't help but feel those tears finally come out. They wasn't tears of sadness tho. They were tears of joy. I'm happy for him. I want him to succeed. And I teared up because with the territory of his success comes departure. I can't say enough how much I'm gonna miss him, But I'll be okay, I mean after all he's only an hour away!lol

Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Don't let the lifestyle take over your Life...."

Okay so if you didn't know by now... I'm Gay!lol Okay just wanted to give out that disclaimer before I continue with this! Well anyway, today was my usual Sunday; washing clothes,listening to music, cleaning my room, listening to music, painting my toenails over, and finally listening to music!lol Just a normal, redundant Sunday, that is until nightfall. Okay to start, usually around 9pm, Saph and Ruby comes over to watch ABDC with me. Today I didn't get a call from Ruby, so something was up with that already, I mean we were suppose to go to the movies and all today. So anyway Saph comes over and he gives me some disturbing news.... Apparently, Ruby decided to move today, no...not like move across town, but move out of town. It caught me so off guard. He didn't call me or nothing to let me know anything. At first I got sad, and then I got a little angry. I got a little angry because I couldn't believe he would leave and not say anything to me. Saph told me that the reason that he didn't tell me, is because he kinda knew that I wouldn't take it well and if he would have told me, he would probably end up not leaving. After hearing that, I was no longer angry, yet I was even more sad because I am really really Really gonna miss him. That's my best besties and we do everything together, we have a bond with a lot of things. I get so worried about him sometimes, and with him not being here, I can't keep track of him. Even tho he's gone(apparently), Ruby is very intelligent, so I know he'll be okay, and whatever he's doing, I'm pretty sure it's a obvious explanation for it. My heart is aching a little right now, but I'll be okay. Like I wanna cry a little, but it won't come out, because inside, I got faith in him and I know he'll be alright. If you can here me Ruby, Be Safe!!!! I love you sis, and I am definitely gonna shed some "missing you" tears....

"I guess it's true what they say..."

I just left the club maybe about 20 minutes ago, and I ultimately had the worst time. Not that that's anything new because the gay club scene in Savannah is just not what it use to be when I was a youngin. I enjoyed the show part of the club, as I always do, but after that, I honestly was ready to hit the exit.I think the reason why I didn't enjoy myself atleast a little is because my whole crew wasn't there with me. I found myself standing alone at points, just looking like I was ready to break out in hives!lol On top of that, I was completely sober which is a "no no" in the club for me. I need to be under some type of influence to be able to relax. I just get so tense and gittery around alot of homo's because they all...well some of them....hell most of them are arrogant and stuck-up and I just don't deal with those type of people. Oh well that's the way of the gay world I guess. I know one thing, if it isn't anything special going on at Mrs. Jade (the club) from now on, I won't be attending. It's a waist of time and 10 beans (dollars). Shit I could have kept my lil 10 and got me a five dollar sack and a pack of cigarettes.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

"My time is near..."

I named this post "Finally" because I "finally" found someplace where I can release my day to day thoughts and feelings. I wanted to start blogging a long time ago,but I was skeptical at first. I didn't feel like it would bring me any excitement or enjoyment, that is until I visited one of my good friends blog spots on here. Just wanted to say, to Phoenix-Glenn, you inspired me to take that step out of the box and go with what my mind sets forward for me! Thanks man! I'm very excited to start this and even if I only get 1 follower, at least I know that I am admired by he or she! So hold on tight guys, this is promised to be a long and winding ride!