Thursday, June 3, 2010

Everything Happens for a REASON..positive or negative.

Hello blog followers! Alot has happened in this past month. I am one more step closer to becoming the successful individual that I am striving to be, but with success comes side-tracks. I am a very emotional and sensitive being, so when the least of problems come my way, I tend to fall into a pit of depression. Don't worry, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, so I won't be upset for long! People might call me weird and awkward from the way I speak of problems, but guess what, not one person will ever be able to call me dumb,weak,illwilled,selfish,or any word that describes fault. I AM A survivor! I have the gift of PATIENCE and the knowledge of 10 wise men! Okay, enough with the mushy stuff.... I am noticing that I am becoming more and more brighter intelligence-wise as each day goes by. At one point I was the worst when it came to budgeting funds, but now I don't have a choice! I can't buy Jordans every other week anymore, but I like that I can't afford my wants as much as I use to. Life is good man, and I plan on tackling every obstacles as it comes my way!

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