Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Element of FREEDOM....

Hello Blog Followers! Okay So today I decided to walk to the nearest park and jot down some thoughts and it turned into a thought provoking poem of sorts! I gotta give props to where my inspiration came from. Firstly, I gotta say that Alicia Keys' newest CD "The Element of Freedom" brought on all kinds of thoughts that put me in a happy, satisfied state of mind. And last but not least, my Accounting teacher Mrs. Cynthia Lewis-Holmes. That lady never let me complain or sulk in depression!

Okay here it goes.... it's entitled:
Elements of Freedom
The element of freedom is the moment when an individual feels comfort in any given situation, state of being, and the security of knowing that all things in this complex life can be free of negativity. I know this because I am the paragon of freedom. If all beings of this world would take the time out to focus on patience, self love, and dreams of becoming MORE, then the weight of the world can and will be lifted with only the strength of a single muscle of the spirit. Someone once told me that failure is a state of mind, and I believe that whole heartily. You are the only person that can take the blame for harsh trials that tends to tip-toe through this life. I say, stop dwelling on past mishaps and PUSH forward to new beginnings, new ideas, new relationships, humble thoughts, and passive friendships. Ask yourself these questions: Am I willing to become what I expect myself to become? What are the steps I should take to become MORE? When I reach the limit of my goals, how can I contain this awesome willpower to ensure stable, positive living? In my eyes, these are the only questions that should be asked of yourself, any other questions should fall easily into place like the feather of an eagle falling gently on the foundation in which it lands. Complaining shows that you are not in charge of your own destiny. I say, less complaining, MORE damage control. When you encounter problems, refer back to the source. I guarantee that the source of those trials has your name written all over it. Once you realize the source of your faults, vow to never take a meandered walk through that era ever again. Most of mankind's negative thinking and doing comes from not learning from past negative thoughts and actions. How many times have you encountered a problem that you've encountered before? How many times have you encountered a failed relationship because of an previous failed relationship? Think of all the times you told yourself "No", and ended up saying "Yes". Each NO that's answered YES is a self created problem. Each YES answered NO is a hold back of personal greatness. The Elements of Freedom can be defined simply by the way YOU choose to go about life. A wise person told me that everyone was put on this earth for a reason....I Say... Everyone was put on this earth to pursue the Elements of Freedom.
Think About It.....

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Everything Happens for a REASON..positive or negative.

Hello blog followers! Alot has happened in this past month. I am one more step closer to becoming the successful individual that I am striving to be, but with success comes side-tracks. I am a very emotional and sensitive being, so when the least of problems come my way, I tend to fall into a pit of depression. Don't worry, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, so I won't be upset for long! People might call me weird and awkward from the way I speak of problems, but guess what, not one person will ever be able to call me dumb,weak,illwilled,selfish,or any word that describes fault. I AM A survivor! I have the gift of PATIENCE and the knowledge of 10 wise men! Okay, enough with the mushy stuff.... I am noticing that I am becoming more and more brighter intelligence-wise as each day goes by. At one point I was the worst when it came to budgeting funds, but now I don't have a choice! I can't buy Jordans every other week anymore, but I like that I can't afford my wants as much as I use to. Life is good man, and I plan on tackling every obstacles as it comes my way!