Sunday, September 16, 2012

Don't be afraid to be exactly who you are....

"Dang that bitch is weird", "Man don't come in my hood with that bullshit", "Laaaammmmeeee" Just a few quotes from shit I’ve heard thru my path to finding my place in this world. I titled this blog post "Don’t be afraid to be exactly who you are" because you shouldn't have to worry about what a person thinks of you because you are doing what you love, rather it be taboo artistry, backwoods music producing...hell even bird watching (lol)! People that shun a person for taking interest in something non-trendy (for lack of a better phrase)to me are people that are lonely and more importantly lack creativity for anything. Ever since I can remember, I've been a very “out of the box” child. I never liked the typical things growing up that a young boy would be expected to like. Sports was never my thing, and not because I’m gay...well maybe a little (lol) instead, I would be in my room for hours on in trying to perfect my writing style, REALLY I use to sit down and write my name over and over and over again until it was cute and creative looking. The beginning of high school probably was my wake up call to be me. While it was hard to fit in at times, I am so happy I went thru what I went thru. Everybody knows that when you're that high school age, that is when you start to realize who you are. I had lots of friends and I took part in just about everything, Band, JROTC, Journalism etc., but something was always missing, I wasn't being myself because of thoughts of rejection. 11th grade is when the shit hit the fan. I was like, "Man fuck this shit, I Am Me and fuck what another nigga think" I started expressing myself thru poetry and the way I carried myself! I lost a couple of friends and was called cruel names. It got so hard for me, I just dropped out of school and went to Job Corps at 20 years old and that’s when I took off!!!! Job corps for the people that don't know is sort of an alternative schooling method with people from all walks of life. I was in a new place, but the hatred was still the same, and at times worst. I was all alone…me…this gay dark-skinned dude from little ol’ Savannah Georgia, but that didn’t worry me at all. I got into fights (Verbal and Physical) because of the person I was. I didn’t care what people thought of me, so much so that I joined the cheerleading squad for our Job Corps Center. Man every time I ran out there to cheer I heard so many slanderous comments but that made me stronger and competitive. Enough was enough though. My defining moment was at a poetry slam our center had once a week. I wrote a poem called, “Just being me”. That poem set me free from criticism and I even gained a lot of respect from dudes that use to call me names. One dude, I can’t remember his name came up to me afterwards and was like, “Man I got to give you props for being able to go in front of all those people and express yourself” that moment changed me. When it was time for me to leave Job Corps, I had so many supporters, individuals I grew fond of cried, My cheerleading coach even threw me a going away M.V.P party and everyone was there EVEN the center director, all because I let go of being afraid to be me and let my truth shine thru. I guess I am saying all this to tell all the people that feel different that you aren’t by yourself baby. I am 29 years old at this very moment, but I’m STILL dealing with rejection because of who I am, the only difference now is….I DON’T GIVE A SUPER SAIGON FLYING FUCK! LOL People are going to judge, it’s a natural human emotion, but don’t let what someone say influence you to not be exactly who you are. You are not one dimensional like them, you are soooo much more. The road is winding, but the payoff is fantastic! Remember this saying: “Not everyone is going to be touched positively by what you say and do, but not everyone has to, that’s why it’s called “Unique”. So you wanna be a gay rapper? Go ahead and let dem rhymes flow! Wanna be a male make-up artist? Beat them mugs bitch! Wanna be a female bodybuilder? Pump it up! Lol Live Your Life creatively, uniquely, and be unafraid!!!!