Friday, October 30, 2009

"The Positives and Negatives of this life..."

Hello my blog followers (if any)! I know it's been a while, but I've been doing alot these past few weeks!lol Honestly I will only post in here when I feel really strongly about a obsticale in my life; good or bad. Well a couple of days ago, me and one of my besties Saph had a very long conversation about positives and negatives obsticales of life and how to overcome them(negatives) and how to rejoice them(positives). Basically I feel like in life, everything; good or bad, has positives and negatives. Sounds a little confusing right? Im a big analyzer of every aspect of life, so i tend to look into things a little too much. Let me give an example, okay, people are put into certain categories, "ooh he's mean", "oh he's nice". If you think about it, mean people have good qualities and bad ones, the same goes for nice people. A positive for a mean person is they usually get heard and get things inforced. A negative would be that they might not have to many friends. A positive for a nice person might be that they have lots of friends and they are very approachable. A negative on the other hand might be they are usually looked at as weak and a "push over". I know that's alot of information but what im basically saying is don't ever feel beneath or inferior to someone just because you are labeled something. Everyone has good and bad qualities regardless if you're a saint or a sinner. if that wasn't true, it would be a perfect world and no balance....Makes sense? I hope